YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude

Education & Learning
Video Summarization

AI-powered summaries

Editable transcripts

Browser integration

Multi-language support

Education & Learning
Video Summarization

AI-powered summaries

Editable transcripts

Browser integration

Multi-language support

Education & Learning
Video Summarization

AI-powered summaries

Editable transcripts

Browser integration

Multi-language support

Key Features

- Customizable summary length

- Multi-language video summaries and transcripts

- Saves time and enhances learning

- Editable transcripts for note-taking

- Browser extension for easy access

Key Features

- Customizable summary length

- Multi-language video summaries and transcripts

- Saves time and enhances learning

- Editable transcripts for note-taking

- Browser extension for easy access

Key Features

- Customizable summary length

- Multi-language video summaries and transcripts

- Saves time and enhances learning

- Editable transcripts for note-taking

- Browser extension for easy access

Pricing Details


The service is available for free without a subscription fee.


The service is available for free without a subscription fee.

In a Nutshell


Content Creators, Writers, and Social Media Experts


Integration with educational platforms for enhanced learning, collaboration tools for team productivity, and content management systems for quick information retrieval.


Content Creators, Writers, and Social Media Experts


Integration with educational platforms for enhanced learning, collaboration tools for team productivity, and content management systems for quick information retrieval.


Content Creators, Writers, and Social Media Experts


Integration with educational platforms for enhanced learning, collaboration tools for team productivity, and content management systems for quick information retrieval.

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude is a browser extension leveraging AI technologies to offer users concise and informative summaries and transcripts of YouTube videos. It enhances learning and productivity by allowing content absorption without watching entire videos, offering customization in summary length, and providing editable transcripts in multiple languages.

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude is a browser extension leveraging AI technologies to offer users concise and informative summaries and transcripts of YouTube videos. It enhances learning and productivity by allowing content absorption without watching entire videos, offering customization in summary length, and providing editable transcripts in multiple languages.

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude is a browser extension leveraging AI technologies to offer users concise and informative summaries and transcripts of YouTube videos. It enhances learning and productivity by allowing content absorption without watching entire videos, offering customization in summary length, and providing editable transcripts in multiple languages.

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